Hey, you have a gift! Do you know what that is? It's more than something that only belongs to you. More than something that is just yours.

We all have gifts. Do you know what a gift is? A gift is something we have when we offer it. It's a part of us that we connect to as we share it with others. 

A gift doesn't need to be too big or flashy to be valuable. It can be the right word at the right time, an attentive gaze, a willing heart. 

Are you aware of your own gifts and those around you? The ones you share, the ones others share with you? They are rare, ordinary, beautiful.

Some people bring beauty to our lives with their art; others keep us up to date on what's happening around the world. Some entertain us, some make us think. And there are so many people doing things. So many who teach, who review, recycle, or reinvent what already exists. 

There are also so many new and mind-blowing things that we can’t even classify, yet they simply make our lives better. Aren't our lives made up of those gifts, after all? Creating, designing, inventing, producing, programming, fixing, caring, healing, speaking, singing, listening are all ways of being there for others and being with them. They are ways of getting closer together.

They are gifts. Gifts connect us. They are a bridge between two people and a network of thousands, where what is “mine” becomes “ours”.

Do you know what a gift is?